makeup primer

You must be knowing that a makeup primer is adding much to your daily routine that will not make any impact on daily life. But in this case, you are wrong applying a primer as a base may look much different. Soaring over pores, margin types lines, and dull patches, primer acts as smoother which smoothens the skin, there are some creams and concealers, which will help you to last your makeup all day.

Here are a few benefits of primers 

1.      Make it Last

Well, some points face primers are so admired because they assist to keep your exotic makeup looks for a long time. There are some chronic oils in your skin which break down for long-term effect, so primer can give a matte look when it is stuck to the skin. It also helps in protecting from dust or water that can cause makeup to poor look and looks untidy mainly when the weather is hot and humid 

2.      Reduces Fine Lines, Wrinkles, and Pores

If your skin is suffering from large pores and deep lines so you can use a primer that helps to minimize the pores and your skin a dramatic glow. Once you have used primer on your skin you can apply foundation as per your skin type such as oil-based or water based foundation.

3.      Feels Lightweight

Another benefit of primer is that using face primer is not sticky on the face. Once you used it, it will soak the skin completely which will feel lightweight. It is extremely easy to use without any blender or makeup brush as you can use your fingertips to apply it. Which will settle down easily and helps to give you a natural glow and afterward it will give you a lightweight feeling.

4.      Controls oily skin and gives a matte finish

First of all, for those who are using primer, it is very excellent for those whose skin is oily, and pores, wrinkles, and lines on their face as primer helps to rid of it. 

The primer contains a silicon material that helps in forming a layer out of your skin which helps you to remove oil and sweat as it will mix with your makeup and which make you ugly. The main objective of primer is to absorb the excess oil from the skin and also help to give makeup a gorgeous matte finish.

How to use a face primer

Step 1. First, you have to clean your skin properly, after that,you have to wait for some time to allow the material to soak into your skin

Step 2. You will just need a pea-sized shape of primer and you have to apply it to every part of your skin where you want to apply you have to dab it slowly don’t rub it otherwise you will ruin your makeup

Step 3. After when you are done with it you have left it for 2 to 3 minutes just before using the makeup on your skin. As this helps primer to settle on the skin and it will not be removed easily when you are applying your makeup. 

Fiddle, you know now how to apply the primer now on the skin of your face and how to get exotic makeup looks

Read Blog :- How To Know If Your Skincare and Foundation Are Water-Based or Silicone Based?

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